Perhaps one of the most dangerous maneuvers in traffic, the U-turn, can be absolutely brutal if you’re doing it illegally. Heck, pay attention even when you have the right-of-way!

This accident happened in Tbilisi, Georgia, and as the Mercedes slows down to allow a reckless driver room to turn around illegally, the biker who as far as I can tell was just minding his own business, suddenly finds himself running into what looks like an old Nissan Micra.

The impact itself is brutal and you can see both the biker and his passenger being flung through the air.

Initially, I thought there wasn’t a passenger on the bike and that the person being thrown off was the biker himself. But look more closely and you’ll see that there are indeed two people on the motorcycle and the one flying through the air was clearly the “lucky” one, since we can actually see him moving around afterwards – definitely in both pain and shock.

What’s even sadder is that we can’t tell for sure what happened to the biker after the crash. He actually came in direct contact with the car and got tossed towards the wall there, seemingly not moving at all as the dust settled.

This is just terrible to watch and hopefully the person driving that tiny hatchback was held accountable to the full extent of the law.

These people and their illegal U-turns…they’re either oblivious, drunk or just have the IQ of the prison bars they’ll be familiarizing themselves with after they’re done hurting somebody in traffic.

Note: Some viewers may find the video footage disturbing!