Have you ever longed to own a car which comes fitted with a unicycle in the trunk to make your journey to work in rush-hour that little bit easier?

Well it appears that Ford is toying with that very idea after some very curious patents from the carmaker emerged online thanks to Patent Yogi.

The patented drawing shows a Ford Focus which carries with it a unicycle in the back. However, that’s not the most head-scratching thing.

The setup also includes an easily removable rear wheel which also detaches the brake calipers and disc from the axle and bolts straight onto the body of the unicycle. Within that hub happens to be a tiny electric motor which can independently power the detached wheel and therefore drive the unicycle forward.

Of course, it seems not only unlikely but near-on impossible that we’ll ever see Ford offer such a setup to customers.

After all, carmakers continually trademark designs and names they dream up simply to protect those ideas from being poached. This year alone, Ford has applied for 6,000 patents, including luminescent body panels and this is just another one of them.