When you’re breaking the law, you most likely have to assume some responsibilities and consequences, unlike this woman.
After parking illegally, the owner of the white car tried to stop it from being towed away by clinging to the back of the vehicle. Nothing out of the ordinary, you might argue, except the footage was captured as the rig was already moving, dragging the woman through the streets.
It’s unclear whether the tow-truck driver was aware of what happened at the back of the car before stopping, as the vehicle could’ve provided a blind spot. However, according to a comment on the video, the person recording the action continuously warned the woman about the dangers of performing such an action, while she stated that she didn’t have insurance and wanted to drive the car wherever the tow truck driver was taking it, albeit the latter insisted on towing it “by the books”.
The outcome remains a mystery as well, as the film is cut short after the truck stops, but situation created was dangerous to say the least. One thing is for certain, this is not the proper way to stop somebody from detaining your car…