It seems that cars such as Google’s self-driving RX or Ford’s fully-autonomous Fusion can’t currently be used in the state of New York unless the state changes a 1971 law that requires drivers to always keep one hand on the wheel.

According to the Nydailynews, legislators are currently arguing that this law, should it remain, will slow down the introduction of automated driving systems and could even hinder drivers that are using parking assist features.

“We are just trying to have the law match up to the technology that people are using today and I think is only going to grow down the road,” said Senate transport committee chairman Joseph Robach.

Mr Robach, who also said that he’s not aware of anybody having been ticketed for using a parking system, has already introduced legislation that exempts drivers using “driving technology” from the requirement of keeping one hand on the wheel when the vehicle is in motion.

Robach’s bill was approved last week by the Senate, but has yet to gain any traction in the Democrat-controlled assembly – mainly because there are still concerns about the technology.

“Show me how it is going to work at Second Ave. and 60th St. at rush hour and then I might support legislative change for driverless cars,” argued Sen. Liz Krueger.

On the other hand, those who are clearly for automated driving systems (like Audi’s Brad Stertz) argue that “about 94% of the accidents in federal stats have some element of human error. The car with its 20 plus sensors all round it creates this sense of perception that humans don’t have.” Stertz also says that Audi is only two years away from introducing a system that can take over when the car’s stuck in traffic, whereas one that can do the same on the highway is about four years away.

One rather lighthearted comment came from Gov. Cuomo’s camp where spokesman Rich Azzopardi was quoted as saying: “While I’m personally stoked that Knight Rider is real, we’ll have to review the legislation.”

Since 2011, at least six states (including the District of Columbia) have passed legislation authorizing the testing of automated driving systems on public roads with only basic safety requirements.