Whether or not this was staged, it’s still one seriously action movie-like snatch and grab.

If we weren’t asking any questions (such as how come somebody was filming at just the right spot from just the right distance), what this looks like is a couple of road ragers thinking they can assault people in the street with no consequences.

After one of them got in the cyclist’s face, another one jumps out of the Cayenne thinking it’s his turn to intimidate whomever happens to be driving that white Land Cruiser.

However, according to the description, the VW van behind the Toyota was part of a very small motorcade – and full of armed men.

Unfortunately, Google Translate wasn’t very helpful this time around, so it’s hard to be more specific about what happened or know for sure if the whole thing was staged or not.

If not, then we might want to give “karma” some of the credit for this one, especially since it’s not often that bullies get what’s coming to them so soon after behaving like total d-bags.