Ecotricity, the UK’s sole provider of motorway EV charging stations has set up a £5 flat-fee for its users.

The fee is for a 20-minute charge and is set to be introduced along the company’s 300 rapid-charging stations across the country. According to Autoexpress, work on the project will begin on July 11th, with August 5th being the expected completion date.

Tesla owners that use the company’s own Supercharger network won’t need to pay a fee, unless they’ll be in the upcoming Model 3, which according to Elon Musk, won’t have free supercharging.

In an e-mail sent to its users, Ecotricity stated that: “The combination of more cars on the road and faster charging means we’re now delivering two million miles of clean driving each month – all powered from the wind and sun. That’s a great result. It’s also a growing cost. And to keep pace with demand, we need to build more electricity pumps – at existing and new locations.”

“So the time has come for us to charge – for charging. We’ve taken a lot of feedback from EV drivers in order to arrive at the right pricing model. We’ve decided that a simple flat fee of a £5 for a 20 minute fast charge strikes the right balance.”

Do you think the flat-fee of £5 for motorway charging is fair?