There are lots of goofy second-hand car ads out there, especially on craigslist, but this particular one has something to it. Curses, Illuminati, Leonardo da Vinci, marital problems; oh, and a Porsche 944.

The guy selling his 944 2.5-litre on eBay says the automobile is for restoration or “burning at stake”. He goes on saying that he would have personally preferred to push it into a lake, or over a cliff, but those activities aren’t part of the discharge conditions set by the psychiatric unit of St Mary’s Hospital – in which he is currently admitted. Hmm, something tells us that the man truly hates the Porsche.

His (former) wife did too, especially as the guy subtly tried to persuade her to take on extra cleaning shifts, and part time jobs and at McDonalds and Burger King in order to afford spare parts for the 944. And that was before he sold all her family inherited jewelry to have money for the Porsche, and starting hearing voices about Leonardo da Vinci and the Pope.

In all seriousness, though, it’s clear that the seller has a big sense of humor, as he’s trying to sell the Porsche in a unique way. That or he’s just messing around online. Either way, looks like the car has seen better days, but the man lists the modifications and repairs brought to it.

As of now, the highest bid is £1,120 ($1,471), so here’s a chance to get your hands on a modern classic for cheap. Unless, you’re scared?