It seems that for any keen Pokemon Go player, catching a Snorlax can be an extremely satisfying moment.

Because of that, hundreds of people started chasing after what could be described as a friendly-looking monster in the busy streets of Taipei near Beitou Park.

While stampedes are generally dangerous to all of those involved, this one was a little bit more benign. Still, so many people trying to catch one single Snorlax makes for a somewhat disturbing image.

According to Time, Taiwan media says that the Xinbeitou area is now a daily focus for “thousands” of players looking to get their hands on a particularly exotic type of Pokemon which apparently likes to frequent the surrounding streets.

The same reports indicate that the civil-defense brigade had to be called in, along with police reinforcements in order to keep everybody safe.

So far, Pokemon Go has caused a stir in many cities and countries around the world. Aside from people getting hit by cars or crashing their own car while playing the game, we’ve also learned that in Belgium for example, playing the game on the street could get you fined.