Glowing hot knives cutting through various items seems to be the…hottest trend on YouTube these days, but what gives when that item happens to be a BMW M5, or at least, a part of it?

Well, for starters, the man behind this video hasn’t gone mad, deciding to ruin is high-performance sedan for clicks, as the rear bumper, which takes all of the heat here (okay, we’ll stop with the puns now…), was previously damaged in a hit-and-run accident. So basically, no harm done.

At the time of writing, the video in question has gathered some 400,000 views, after only one weekend on YouTube. The owner, whose BMW M5 was subjected to the extreme heat, says if the clip reaches reach 20,000 likes, he will film another video, this time, with a certain Lamborghini.

Given that the requested button has been hit more than 15,000 times by now, expect a new video soon, if you like viewing sort of things, that is.