There’s nothing fun about crashing a car but it’s hard to imagine anything worse than crashing a rented Ferrari and having it captured on film. Unfortunately for one overconfident driver in the U.S., that’s exactly what happened.

The 26-year-old rented the Italian exotic from Pure Adrenalin in Colorado and in the dashcam footage, can be seen driving the 458 Italia behind a Lamborghini Gallardo.

During the clip, the driver explores some of the performance offered by the mid-engined V8 supercar much to the concern of his female passenger.

As the driver lets loose in the 458 heading towards a tight left-hand bend, the passenger can be heard screaming “Oh my god, oh my god, THAT’S REALLY FAST.” A split second later, the 458 has crashed into a guardrail causing serious damage to the front end and passenger side.

Fortunately, no one was injured in the crash and despite the driver’s initial concern that he may have lost has license after the wreck, he was let off with nothing more than a careless driving fine.