Unless a company is chasing lap records, produces an extremely heavy vehicle or simply wants bragging rights, very few cars require 700 hp. In most situations, half that figure is all that is needed to produce a thrilling car.

Evidently, no one told Netherlands-based racing firm Kroenenburg Autosport that.

The brand with a history of making ECUs for racing cars recently outfitted a custom off-road buggy with the five-cylinder turbocharged engine of an Audi TT RS. When combined with an anti-lag system and a host of other upgrades, a casual 700 hp is sent to the ground via all four wheels.

When the other-worldly beast was filmed testing on the dyno, it made leading supercars look tame, rocking back and forth and spitting huge flames during each and every gear change. Imagine locking a wild tiger in a tiny cage and you’ll get an idea of just how ferocious this buggy is. Where do we sign up?