A bicycle thief ended up in police custody after multiple attempts to steal a mountain bike from somebody who was already riding it.

According to the description of the video, the rider had just left the shop from where he had picked up a test bike, when a man tried to steal it from him by grabbing his arm.

After escaping that initial attempt, the rider found himself face to face with the thief yet again after the latter had gotten on a bus and went ahead in order to have another go at it. This time, the rider realized he couldn’t escape and so he plowed right into the thief.

Fortunately, karma on on stand-by that day as the man ended up walking straight through an event organized by the cops (Instituto Superior de Ciencias Policiais e Segurancas Interna – ISCPSI), where he was taken down by other bicyclists and escorted to the nearest police station.

The protagonist also states that the thief was an “already known” person and after hearing his story from the police, he decided against filing a complaint in order to avoid future hassles that would have probably lead nowhere.