If you plan and execute an overtaking maneuver properly, there really shouldn’t be any danger involved.

Yet, it all starts with the planning. Unless you make a mental check list, sort of like how airplane pilots perform their pre-flight checks, and you’re sure that you can execute the move safely, you should stay put.

Among the many dangerous scenarios you could come across while overtaking is one when there’s another car between you and the vehicle you wish to get past.

That’s the scene that unfolded in this video, where the dashcam car witnessed what can only be described as a tremendously scary crash, caused by somebody’s lack of awareness. As a result, the driver of that B5 VW Passat lost control of the car and the rest is history.

While it’s unfortunate that the Passat crashed, it’s easy to imagine things turning out a lot worse. Flying off the side of the road into a snow-covered field and landing on all four wheels is a preferable scenario to something like spinning uncontrollably and rolling over, or getting hit by another vehicle. Take a look here at just how badly these types of crashes can end.