Even though technically, the Bentley had the right of way in this incident, it would have been impossible for the driver of the dashcam car to know another vehicle would be approaching them that quickly from around the corner.

You can clearly see the ‘Give way to oncoming vehicles’ sign as soon as the dashcam car stops to do just that, but that’s the last we’ll mention it, since the person who is 100% at fault here was the one doing 85 mph (136 km/h) according to the video’s description.

The crash actually occurred last year in Amersham, UK, some 27 miles (43 km) north-west of London, and we’re glad to say that both drivers were unhurt, despite their cars being written off – which by the way is a rare combo, having two totaled cars and two uninjured drivers.

As for whether or not this accident could have been avoided by the driver of the dashcam car, the only answer we can come up with is maybe. Maybe if they drove up the sidewalk to the right, as close to the brick wall as possible, the Continental would have missed them completely.

Then again, you would have needed lightning quick reflexes to do that in time, not to mention some semblance of a spidey sense that the car approaching you would have done so while completely out of control.