Flying cars are apparently right around the corner. A lot of companies are looking into flying machines that can revolutionize the way items and humans are transported. Unfortunately, for this husband and wife duo, a flying car test went awry.

The video below was posted on Reddit yesterday with the heading, “Testing a flying car.” After searching through the comments, we came across an additional video that provides a close-up look at the aftermath. A word of caution with the second video, the fluids on the ground are from the flying car, so don’t freak out.

In any case, the first video sees a husband and wife attempt to take off in a SkyRunner light-sport NI43SR. The vehicle, which looks like a dune buggy with a propeller attached to its rear end and a massive parachute on top gets up to speed and then takes. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t get enough altitude and might of had an issue steering the machine, as the vehicle careened into the side of a building.

Luckily, the husband and wife survived the incident, but were severely injured. After watching the crash a few times, the coupe is lucky to be alive. Neither the Reddit posting nor the YouTube video provide any information on what caused the incident.

According to SkyRunner, the flying car is pretty simple to operate. There’s a throttle pedal to climb and descend, while two flight controls direct whether the car goes left or right. The company claims its flying vehicles are some of the “easiest and safest forms of flight to master.”

Operating a SkyRunner requires a pilot’s license and a whole bunch of cash, as the vehicles start at $139,000. The company’s machines are FAA certified.

We really hope the husband and wife team make a quick recovery. The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, ran into some hiccups when creating the world’s first airplane. There’s bound to be some incidents with the first set of flying cars, as well.