Jay Leno is an avid car collector and he recently sat down with Business Insider to reveal what cars he thinks will become future classics.

While trucks and SUVs are becoming more popular collectors, Leno believes that trend might not continue in the future. Instead, he told the publication that “I think the Miata will be the Ford Mustang of the next generation.”

Leno might have a point as the Mazda Miata is widely regarded as a fun and affordable roadster that appeals to enthusiasts. While the model may become a future classic, the Miata isn’t exactly rare as the company has produced over one million units since 1989.

The former Tonight Show host also believes eco-friendly vehicles such as the first-generation Toyota Prius will catch on with future collectors. While the car was never aimed at enthusiasts, the Prius will go down in history as the car that popularized hybrid technology.

Leno went on to say early electric vehicles could also win over fans in the future as prices for the few remaining GM EV1s have skyrocketed. As Leno explained, “I think you’ll see people collecting the first generation of electric cars. Someone offered me one the other day for $440,000.”

While all three of these vehicles could become a hit with collectors, Leno says people gravitate towards vehicles that mean something to them. He says the cars that the next-generation of collectors will go after is whatever they grew up in. He went on to say it’s the car that you went to prom in or the car your dad used to take you out to get ice cream in. In essence, he says “It’s as much about the memories as it is about the car.”

H/T to Autoguide