Lamborghini has no intention of producing an SUV to slot below the Urus in its range.

Priced from around $200,000 in the United States, the Urus is the Italian marque’s entry-level model and first foray into the SUV market since the limited-run LM002. While the current trend among high-end automakers is to diversify and explore cheaper ends of the market, Lamborghini has no intention of following suit.

“At the end, it is all about brand positioning, and you can go too far down and dilute the position that we are the pinnacle of the car business,” company chief technical officer Maurizio Reggiani told Drive.

“I think the position today of the Urus is perfect and at this moment this is the bottom of our parameters.”

Lamborghini has been open to the idea of adding a fourth model to its range but these statements rule out the possibility of it being a smaller SUV to rival the likes of the Porsche Macan.

The Lamborghini family will grow, however

Instead, the brand will begin releasing new versions of the Urus to ensure it remains up-to-date and appealing to customers, Reggiani added.

“I think we have this base which is fantastic, and we can say that we will have a long derivative strategy like we’ve had from Gallardo onwards and this will be the same applied to Urus.”

One of the first variants in this strategy will be the introduction of a plug-in hybrid variant. Beyond that, it’s possible that a selection of limited-run Urus models could be launched.