While there’s no way of knowing how experienced of a driver we’re dealing with here, all signs point to somebody that hasn’t been dealt a bad hand before on the Nurburgring.

Dare we say this was an easily recoverable slide? The driver had 3-4 solid seconds to regain control of the car, not a very difficult task considering the relatively low speed at which that Polo was moving.

Another issue we have is with the driver keeping their hands on the steering wheel at the moment of impact, but that’s another story.

The good news is the impact wasn’t particularly rough. The Polo hit the deformable barrier and safely bounced back on the track before coming to a halt. Another positive is the fact that there weren’t any cars around at the precise moment the small V-Dub came back onto the tarmac.

The driver does seem to hit the brakes early in the slide, it’s just not very noticeable due to the lighting conditions and angle of the camera.

