While we can only hope that the skateboarder managed to walk away from this accident with minimal injuries, we can’t help but feel that people riding anything that doesn’t have an efficient braking system, should probably do so away from traffic.
The accident took place in Adelaide, Australia and it involved a man on a skateboard who may have thought he had the right of way, even though he was riding a wheeled recreational device, which basically made him a pedestrian.
Another interesting legal factor is that in Australia, wheeled recreational devices (skateboards, rollerblades etc) cannot be used on “roads with a dividing line or median strip or a speed limit greater than 50 km/h, or a one-way road with more than one marked lane.”
So take that into consideration before passing your verdict regarding culpability here. One thing’s for certain though – that hit must have hurt, seen as how the guy appeared unable to slow down and wasn’t wearing any visible chest or lower-body protection. Thankfully he was at least wearing a helmet, which definitely came in handy.
As for the car, it probably sustained some minor damage along the passenger side, to go with the cracked windshield.