If you’re going to drag race one of the world’s fastest-accelerating cars in the Tesla Model S P100D, you best bring your A-game, otherwise you’ll spend most of the 1/4 mile playing catch-up.

The owner of this green Dodge Demon definitely had the right idea though, opting for the Race ECU and air filter, skinny front tires, plus 100+ high-octane fuel in order to extract as much performance as possible from the world’s most insane Challenger.

On paper, the Demon is actually quicker than the Model S P100D over a 1/4 mile. In order to cover the distance in just 9.65 seconds, the Dodge actually needs all the help it can get, such as drag radials, race fuel and so on (check and check, in this particular instance). It can even launch off the line quicker than any car this size should be able to, with a claimed 0-60 mph (96 km/h) acceleration time of just 2.3 seconds.

Did the Demon achieve a sub-10 second 1/4 mile time while racing this flagship Model S? No, it did not. But after racing twice, the two cars did split the results, so the Dodge still had an impressive run – we’ll let you find out the times for yourselves.

In the end, after watching this video a couple of times, we can’t help but be reminded of the P100D’s formidable straight line form. It’s always ready to put on a show and isn’t as picky as most, if not all its rivals when it comes to putting together a great straight line run.