Audi intends on selling approximately 800,000 all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in the year 2025.

The first model in this aggressive plan will be the e-tron crossover that’s currently in development and due to be launched next year.

Shortly afterwards, the German brand will release an e-tron Sportback and in 2020, follow it up with a performance-oriented e-tron GT from Audi Sport.

From here, things will continue to ramp up. By 2025, Audi will have launched 20 electrified models in rapid succession, including one in the premium compact segment in 2020. In the middle of the next decade, there will be an electrified variant of every Audi model, and roughly one-third of all sales are expected to be made up of EVs.

Like its VW siblings, Audi expects an electric future

“Our goal is to revolutionize mobility,” chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Rupert Stadler said.

“Also in electric mobility, we want to become the number one among the premium manufacturers – with full suitability for everyday use, no compromises, top quality and driving pleasure for the customer. With our technological excellence, we are utilizing our Vorsprung durch Technik philosophy and lifting electric mobility to the next level.”

Many future electrified Audi models will use the Volkswagen Group’s Modular Electric Toolkit platform. Additionally, Audi and Porsche are working together on a premium architecture for mid-range, full-size and luxury electric vehicles aimed at wealthier customers.

“Just in time for the 50th anniversary of Vorsprung durch Technik, we will also present our first autonomous electric car based on our Audi Aicon show car in 2021,” added member of the board of management for Technical Development at Audi, Peter Mertens.