To say the Toyota Corolla is ubiquitous would be a gross understatement. Last year alone, Toyota sold over 300,000 of them, just in the United States. And that wasn’t even the record, after it moved over 387k examples here back in 2006.

Buying one, then, is clearly more about blending in than standing out. But the owner of this example evidently felt otherwise. So he chopped it, but not exactly in the way you might think.

Shared on Reddit, this video shows what appears to be an E110, eighth-generation Corolla – the kind that Toyota made between 1995 and 2002. From the looks of it, it appears to be a facelifted example, so we’re likely looking at a 2000-2002 model. In top-spec LE trim, no less, and a rather unremarkable shade of “greige.”

None of that is what makes this car special, though. Quite the opposite, in fact. Despite the poor camera work, you can see that it’s had a good few feet shaved from its wheelbase. So not only has it ditched the rear doors to become a coupe, but even those front doors are shorter.

There doesn’t look to be much left of the roof, either. And we can’t help but wonder what that’s done to the interior space. But hey, it’s riding on oversized rims, so we guess that makes up for some of the lost length. Sorta.

Okay, not really. But it does look… unique. Something we’d sooner expect to see as a rendering than actually roaming the streets. But here it is, captured on video in real life. So cross that one off your list, we guess.

It’s kinda cute
byu/ChevyGang inCar_laughs