With some car accidents, we can at least get a sense for what the driver at fault was thinking. In this case however, “thinking” may be too strong of a word.

One lane access, check. Perfect visibility, check. Continuous white line, check. A working steering wheel… we assume that checks out, too. All things considered, there’s no reason why anybody would attempt to pass another vehicle at that location, and yet, they did.

At least the impact wasn’t a particularly violent one, so odds are both drivers were OK. Beyond that, we’re guessing the driver at fault was on the receiving end of a hefty fine, if not having his license revoked, too.

Was this a case of feeling superior due to driving a Mercedes? Not saying that a guy driving a Ford Fiesta couldn’t have done something like this, but the stereotypes that befall certain brands came from somewhere. And these two examples, here and here, are simply reinforcing them.

We do wonder though if this crash could have been avoided even with the Mercedes driver behaving irresponsibly. Good visibility works both ways, and we’re certainly not looking to pass any blame to the cammer, but there was a 1-2 second window there to try and avoid the Merc. But maybe he had nowhere to go – or simply froze and hit the brake pedal.

In any case, that’s not his/her fault, and we sincerely hope that no one was injured – the police and insurance companies will take it from there.

