If you’re going to blindly pull out ahead of an incoming semi, the least you can do is move your behind along, rather than just crawl forward like you’re waiting your turn at a drive through.

Whoever was driving that pickup, on the other hand, saw fit to proceed as if they had all the time in the world, which is just mind boggling seen as how the weather seemed fine and visibility perfect. All they had to do was to look left.

Then again, there’s no way of knowing if the driver did or didn’t actually see the semi. Maybe they thought they had enough time to make it – but, in reality, they didn’t.

If the two vehicles had collided, it would have been very bad for the much smaller and lighter pickup. As for the semi, it looks like the driver had no time to react and, had he been going a little faster, an accident would have been unavoidable.

In the end, the fact that this wasn’t a major collision but a very close call is more about luck than it is about anything else. The pickup driver showed a remarkable lack of awareness, the type that usually ends in a serious accident. Hopefully next time they’ll look both ways before mindlessly driving forward and putting lives at risk.