How many times have we seen people trying to slide their Mustangs around for whatever reason, only to find themselves crashing by the side of the road or into another car?

The answer would be ‘countless’. People just can’t seem to stop wanting to impress others and failing miserably. Even the fact that it keeps happening is completely and utterly ridiculous.

Now, there is hope for all of these Mustang drivers, as the team at EuroSport Tuning came up with just the thing: The ‘Should You Powerslide Your Mustang? Decision Tree’.

“Why are there so many powerslide mess-ups in Mustangs? Possible contributors could be a heavy engine, short wheelbase, and some have an open rear differential,” EuroSport Tuning exec Frank Derks says. “But we all know the main factor with these Mustang incidents is the driver. That’s why we decided to build the chart.”

The decision tree uses ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions to guide the driver, helping him or her ask themselves a few important questions before initiating a powerslide – like if say it’s important for them to one-up somebody in a WRX or whether or not they want to put on a show at a Cars & Coffee meet.

“Of course, the whole graphic is just for fun,” adds Derks. “As Porsche and BMW enthusiasts, we understand why some people want to powerslide their Mustangs. We’d like you to put on your seat belt and practice in vacant parking lots first. Keep yourself and your ride safe.”