If you ride a motorcycle, you’ll know that you have to be hyper-aware of everything that’s going on around you to avoid disaster and unpredictable drivers. Sadly for this biker, even that couldn’t save him from an elderly driver.

This clip from the U.S, filmed from a helmet camera of the motorcyclist, shows him waiting at an intersection and making way for a yellow Chrysler PT Cruiser to turn into the street he is pulling out of.

However, the driver of the Chrysler misjudged the turn and hit the side of the motorbike, pushing the biker over who responded with fury and aggression.

The instant he topples over, the biker gets up and sprints towards the PT Cruiser, smashing the driver’s side window with his palms. It’s only then that you realize the driver was an elderly gentlemen who appears to get the fright of his life as shattered glass sprays him in the face and the biker starts to unleash a verbal tirade on him.

Unfortunately, the video cuts out, but in a YouTube comment, the biker says he got the man’s insurance information and had his motorcycle fixed. Curiously, there’s no mention of who had to pay to fix the Chrysler’s window.

Nevertheless, it’s obvious that the elderly gentlemen shouldn’t be driving anymore if he can’t spot a bike, while the biker definitely needs to act calmer as well.

