A little over a year ago, Domino’s Pizza teamed up with Ford in order to explore a future where pizzas could potentially be delivered via self-driving vehicles.

The two companies also wanted to gauge customer reactions with regards to interacting with an autonomous vehicle rather than a pizza delivery courier, as well as having to go outside in order to get their food, which some might consider slightly inconvenient as opposed to having it delivered at your doorstep.

Initially, Domino’s sent out their autonomous Fusion Hybrids around Ann Arbor, Michigan, albeit with a Ford safety engineer behind the wheel as well as other researchers on-board.

Now however it looks as though the program might be sufficiently advanced so as to require no supervision on-location, even though we can’t be 100% sure no individual is inside the vehicle at the time of delivery.

Either way, in this particular case, the car was caught on camera in Las Vegas, Nevada, where two gentlemen got their pizza exactly the way Domino’s intended – by punching in your code on a tablet mounted on the C-pillar and then retrieving your order from the backseat. Finally, confirm that you have taken delivery of the pizza and the car departs.

As far as we’re concerned, the only thing that’s missing is that eerie music from Back to the Future (not the main theme) and this video would have been even better.