The driver of a Skoda Fabia has been killed after being hit head on by a Porsche Cayenne attempting an illegal overtake.

The incident happened over the weekend in Slovakia and was captured in its entirety by the dash camera of a separate vehicle.

Slovakian police shared the video online. It starts off by showing a Mercedes-Benz performing an illegal overtake over a solid white lane to get past slow-moving traffic. Immediately following the Mercedes is a Ferrari 458 Spider which also attempts an overtake.

However, as the Ferrari driver speeds down the wrong side of the road, the driver notices a Skoda fast approaching from the other direction. The Ferrari driver slams on the brakes to avoid a collision but actually causes one as the Porsche Cayenne behind him careens directly into the rear of the Italian exotic, bumping it out of the way before slamming into the oncoming Skoda Fabia.

The impact sends debris flying into the air and with serious damage to both the fronts of the Skoda and Porsche.

Witnesses can be seen rushing to the aid of the Porsche and Skoda drivers but unfortunately, the driver of the Skoda passed away at the scene. He was traveling with this family at the time.

In a statement, the local police force said it will pursue the matter “uncompromisingly” and continues to investigate.

We can all learn a valuable lesson from watching this video. No matter how eager you may be to overtake a vehicle in front of you, never do it over a solid line and without a clear view ahead of approaching vehicles.