One would think everyone knows electric vehicles are “filled” with electricity, not gasoline. Well, we have evidence that at least one person is unaware of this.

Perhaps forgetting that she was behind the wheel of a Tesla Model S or perhaps blissfully unaware that the eerily-quiet car she was driving runs on electricity, a woman pulls up to a gas station and sets about trying to fill up the EV. Unsurprisingly, what followed is absolutely hilarious.

Things kick off the moment the woman steps out of the car. Clearly unfamiliar with the vehicle, she walks around confused while looking for the gas cap. After about 45 seconds of searching, she manages to open it up and swiftly grabs her credit card to pay for gas. Unbeknownst to her, opening the ‘gas cap’ was the easy part.

As you would with any ICE vehicle, she proceeds to grab the gas pump but, of course, it doesn’t fit. After all, the Model S features a plug rather than a gas cap. Clearly confused, the woman proceeds to inspect the port before seemingly deciding that perhaps there’s another opening to put the gas. She even opens the trunk before jumping on the phone, presumably to ask someone for help.

The bystanders could have easily let the scene continue to play out (we wouldn’t have blamed them), but instead, a man decided to jump out and tell the lady what she was doing wrong.

Fortunately, the woman didn’t press the gas pump trigger while hovering over the plug. If she did, a she might have started a fire . Thank God for small favors…