Hey, buddy, is that thing even road legal? Because seen as how this modded exhaust system is actually functional, it’s safe to say that crashing into the back of this pickup would be…problematic.

The truck was spotted on the I-4 in Orlando by one of our readers, who told us:

“Today while driving on I-4 in Orlando, I saw this pickup with the craziest exhaust. I can only imagine someone sitting around saying, ‘you call that a tailpipe??? This is a tailpipe.’ That just after he managed to take the picture, the vehicle accelerated and fumes came out of this contraption. I’m not sure what the point is but bless the crazies in Florida. ”

What we want to know is why on Earth would somebody ever think this mod was a good idea.

Also, so much for this driver’s contribution to helping out the environment by getting around in something that’s maybe a little less likely to straight up murder the air we breathe. Or at least do it in a way that’s not so painfully obvious, as plenty of other drivers do, unfortunately.

In the end, we realize that this type of mod was unlikely to turn out in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Sure, you could easily install a set of large yet less extreme-looking tailpipes – we’ve seen pickup trucks with side-mounted custom exhausts or even vertical ones like on semis – however nether of those looked quite this silly.

We reckon that the first thing that needs removing is that ginormous white pipe. Not only does it inhibit the truck’s ability to absorb contact during a possible rear end collision, but it also serves no logical purpose.

Thanks to Dave for the picture!