Shortly after we brought you images of some highly-realistic replica hypercars from Asia, we’ve stumbled upon this: a LaFerrari replica residing in Malaysia. Unlike the aforementioned replicas, this is not even close to the real thing.
The following images were shared online by GTspirit and show that the vehicle’s exterior is constructed entirely from pieces of sheet metal. If an expert craftsman spent months shaping the thin pieces of steel with a hammer and other traditional tools, the body probably could be made to look quite similar to the real LaFerrari. Evidently, the steel was not shaped by an expert and it’s full of rough edges.
Also Read: Lamborghini Aventador ‘Replica’ Is A $22,500 Pontiac-Based Mess
There is no place where this is more evident than at the vehicle’s front. On one side, a piece of metal in the shape of the LaFerrari’s headlight has been cut out while on the other side, the builder seems to have only got around to cutting out half of the other light. What’s more, the steel is also covered in rust and a weak attempt has been made to paint it yellow.
There’s no mistaking the rear of the car for a LaFerrari knock-off either thanks to the two round lights, quad :tailpipes”, and that cheap-looking, and absolutely huge, rear wing.
It’s hard to know what vehicle the replica is based on, what with all that weirdly shaped metal covering everything up, but we dare say we’d much rather drive the donor vehicle, no matter how humble and/or old, than that abomination.