You know what’s funny about cars being in any way connected to the supernatural? Pretty much everything actually. However, if you believe in that type of stuff or are at least entertained by stories depicting evil vehicles that are out to get you, then you’ll probably enjoy watching the following video.
It’s a list of the top 10 cursed cars you should never drive, although, the title is a bit misleading since not all vehicles in the video are passenger cars and you can’t really drive any of them, at least not straight up.
The list includes classics such as the Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s Phaeton, JFK’s SS 100 X Limo, Bonnie and Clyde’s Ford Deluxe and James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder, but also a Ghost Bus, a black Volga, a random Renault Megane with serious Kangaroo skills (yes, really) and a 1964 Dodge 330, among others.
Without getting into too many specifics, we’d still like to single out two of those cars as being serious eyebrow raisers. For one, the Renault Megane, whose name the host of the video hilariously mispronounces. Anyway, apparently back in 2004 (in Cape Town, South Africa), nine people saw a Megane start up on its own and jump backwards while giving off a roaring sound.
“We were inundated with calls from all over. Some people thought it was a marketing ploy for the guesthouse. Many people discussed the phenomenon, and I even had to tell it on the radio,” said one Ian Schietekat, owner of the Roosboom guesthouse where the incident took place. According to News 24, Schietekat was even contacted by an exorcist from the U.S.
It turns out that the car may have had a rusty starter cable (causing a short circuit) and was parked with the transmission in Reverse.
Then there’s the story of a specific 1964 Dodge 330 Limited Edition model that accounted for more than 14 casualties, including some horrific deaths. Too bad Scooby Doo wasn’t even a thing back then, as this would have been a great case for the gang to take on.