This incident took place recently in Sacramento, California where a Tesla Model 3’s Sentry Mode caught two men keying and denting the right hand side of the EV while apparently unaware that they were being recorded.

The footage was ultimately uploaded to YouTube and shared on Reddit where the thread already holds over 1,000 comments, with people confident that the two vandals will be apprehended by authorities, seen as how you can clearly see their faces.

Could this have been a retaliation?

As some commentators were quick to point out, the two men initially hover around another vehicle, which appears to belong to one of them. That’s when one of the two points out what appears to be a damaged driver’s side door – which in turn has led to speculation that they may have keyed the Tesla in retaliation, thinking that the EV driver (or more specifically a passenger), might have been responsible.

Of course, this is just a theory as we have no way of knowing whether or not that’s what they were discussing. In either case, their actions were completely unjustifiable, not to mention deplorable – and the fact that they’re ultimately seen laughing about it makes us just shake our heads.

Also watch: Tesla Sentry Mode Captures Former U.S. Judge Hitting Model 3 And Leaving The Scene

In the end, we trust that the two individuals will be identified and brought to justice, which probably means having to pay for the damages as well as a fine.