We’re genuinely torn about this being either one of the most ridiculous contraptions we’ve ever seen, or something that’s rather ingenious and pretty original, especially since it’s clearly not trying to impersonate the original product as some replicas do.

First off, it’s clearly not half a Ferrari Enzo; so, what is it?

One guess is that underneath lies something like a Can-Am Spyder or a Polaris Slingshot. Unfortunately, we don’t know for sure, and neither does anybody on Reddit’s main thread for bad car mods, which is where we found the image.

To be fair, while this certainly doesn’t get an A for effort, we wouldn’t argue against a decent grade with regards to creativity – especially if this wasn’t a three-wheeler to begin with and had to be turned into one.

Also Read: Someone In The UK Has Created An Emerald Green Ferrari Enzo

As for whether or not the builder actually wanted to create something similar to the Ferrari Enzo, we’re guessing that they did, judging by the front nose design, the positioning of the headlights and the shape of the doors. In a weird way, it actually kind of reminds us of the Gemballa MIG-U1, which was a one-off supercar based on the Enzo. Only, you know, a lot less serious…