This video shows what can go wrong if you accelerate at a crossroads without ensuring that it’s absolutely safe to do so and not put yourself or anyone else at risk.

While crossing an intersection in Dallas, Texas, the driver of a VW Tiguan likely got the fright of their life when they were T-boned by the cammer who was in an undisclosed Toyota model.

Reviewing the footage, it’s clear that the driver of the Toyota did nothing wrong and that the Volkswagen driver probably did not see the Toyota coming. The driver of the Toyota tried to swerve out of the way of the Volkswagen but was unable to do so and ended up smashing directly into the rear passenger-side door, immediately triggering the side curtain airbags of the Tiguan.

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It remains to be seen if the driver of the Toyota suffered any injuries, but the driver of the Volkswagen can be seen jumping out of the black SUV just before the video cuts off without any obvious injuries.

It appears as though the driver of the Tiguan was waiting for a gap in traffic before driving across the intersection, and while traffic coming from their left was clear, the Toyota was coming from the right. There’s a chance that passing traffic on the opposite side of the road may have momentarily blocked the Toyota from view.

Even so, the VW driver should have kept looking for traffic as they started to accelerate rather than assume the road was clear – it could have saved them, and the other party involved in the incident, a lot of trouble…