What would you do if you woke up in the morning to find a Tesla Model 3 parked outside the front of your house and plugged into your electric outlet? You’d probably be pretty angry – but Lake Worth resident Phil Fraumeni seemed to take it all in his stride in a rather bizarre incident.

As picked up by Jalopnik, local Florida news outlet WPBF reported that, on early Friday morning last week, Fraumeni was woken early in the morning by his gardener, asking him to move the white Tesla Model 3 parked on his lawn. Fraumeni quickly informed him that he doesn’t own a Tesla and went outside to see the car parked on his lawn.

After waiting for a few hours, Fraumeni contacted the police. Authorities arrived on the scene and, before long, were able to track down the address of the owner.

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The young male who owns the Tesla later showed up at Fraumeni’s house, informing him that he was visiting a friend in the neighborhood when the car’s battery died and he decided to grab an extension cord and plug it into one of the exterior electrical sockets at Fraumeni’s residence. He said he had plugged in the car at midnight, meaning it was eating up electricity from Fraumeni’s house for approximately 12 hours.

It would be reasonable for anyone to ask to be reimbursed for the stolen electricity, but Fraumeni didn’t seem overly fussed by the incident; he declined to press charges against the car owner and didn’t even ask him for any compensation.


Screenshot: ABC 25 WPBF News