We’ve all seen our fair share of Lamborghini replicas throughout the years, with some doing a much better job than others at fooling you from a distance.

This particular one, discovered by our friends over The Drive, is based on a Pontiac, but not the one you’re thinking of every time you see a replica. This wasn’t made out of tje Fiero but the Holden Monaro-based, 5th-generation Pontiac GTO from 2004-2006. It certainly is not making anybody’s Christmas list, but it does have a few good things going for it, as per its eBay listing – which by the way, ended yesterday without finding a buyer. For starters, the seller claims there’s a supercharged LS V8 engine underneath the hood.

Images taken of the car indicate show a valve cover with a “900 HP” number which you should probably take with the same pinch of salt as the Lamborghini badges, and there’s also a bottle of “NOZ” for all you would-be racers out there.

Related: Obviously Fake Lamborghini Aventador Has 500 HP And A $40,000 Asking Price

The seller also states that this replica is “in great shape” and that it is the “cleanest, most beautiful tribute” they have seen in a long time at this price – specifically $33,750. Interior features include a sat-nav system, backup camera, fake carbon fiber inserts on the steering wheel and center console, black and yellow leather and a removable roof that turns the car into a Roadster.

In the end, the fake Lambo body panels will only serve to draw attention, but not in a good way for anyone remotely familiar with the Italian brand’s products. If you’re still interested and see the car being listed again, you might want to contact the seller and ask about the car’s VIN, which he says is not the one advertised in the ad.