Warning: Some viewers may find the following videos upsetting

Multiple videos of a brutal crash involving a number of vehicles and a motorcycle have emerged on social media forums. The incident allegedly took place this past weekend on San Gabriel Canyon Road in Azusa, CA, resulting in one man being hospitalized with a broken wrist and multiple leg fractures.

You don’t need to see the footage of the crash too many times in order to realize just how lucky the motorcycle rider was to survive a head-on crash with an out-of-control BMW M6.

It seems that the driver of the BMW completely misjudged his approach while going around a fairly tight right corner. The speed he was carrying might have played a role in that equation too, as the car seemingly understeered (either that or perhaps he/she didn’t calculate the turn and hit the brakes too late).

Watch: Biker Commits Epic Overtaking Blunder, Is Lucky To Survive

As the M6 began to turn, it ran wide, clipping another vehicle before impacting the motorcycle rider head-on. A secondary angle taken via the latter’s Go-Pro camera gives us a frightful idea of just how lucky the rider was to walk away with his life.

A Facebook user named Kyle, who claims he was at the scene, posted a video of the aftermath, stating he promised the biker to find his go-pro camera, which he did, before handing it over to authorities.


The motorcyclist later uploaded this image of himself online to thank people for their support and let them know that he was doing well following his surgery.

What happened here is a perfect example of how dangerous canyon carving really is. It’s strange how some people tend to condemn street racing, yet find canyon carving somewhat acceptable – almost as if they forget all about the tight turns, oncoming traffic issues (other carvers) and the massive drop-offs you’ll find at these locations.

Note: We’ve seen how easily this type of story can become an attack on certain car owners, in this case BMWs. In reality, the crash could have happened with any other similarly powerful vehicle, regardless of its badge.

Note #2: We need to stress again here that some readers might find the footage disturbing



