Italy’s automotive industry is currently scrambling to maintain operations despite havoc caused by heavy government restrictions on both travel and public activities.

The Italian government approved these new restrictions for the Lombardy region, which includes Milan, as well as parts of Veneto, Piedmont and Emilia Romagna. There have been over 6,300 confirmed Coronavirus cases in Italy, and 233 deaths related to the outbreak.

Still, executives at Maserati, Ferrari and three vehicle parts suppliers currently working in the expanded “orange zone”, told Autonews Europe that business will go on today, largely because their companies were given some leeway to operate, as per a document from the Italian industry Confindustria lobby group, seen by ANE.

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The document states that in cases of “proven working needs”, employees are allowed to travel to work, meaning that the restriction should not “lead to the blocking of production activities, work activities, and even less the blocking of transport and movement of goods from and for the perimeter areas.”

Maserati said that starting today, only essential staff will go to work at its facilities in the Modena area, while all others will work from home. The Trident brand has roughly 1,350 employees at three different locations in the area.

As for Ferrari, it will continue operations as long as it keeps getting the necessary components from suppliers.

“Ferrari has activated all of the measures necessary to allow their employees to conduct their working activity in the best possible conditions and therefore, at this moment in time, confirms its operational continuity. This continuity is obviously subject to that of our suppliers with whom we are in constant contact.”

Aside from the Maserati factory in Modena, all other FCA plants in Italy are currently outside the area affected by these new government restrictions, which went into effect this past Sunday and will run until April 3rd.