If you own a fairly typical car, for example an affordable mainstream hatchback, crossover, or SUV, you won’t be hard-pressed to find a set of aftermarket wheels for less than $700. Admittedly, these wheels will be cast rather than forged but for the most part, affordable wheels from the aftermarket can do the job.

However, if you’re a company as big and powerful as Apple, you can pretty much slap any price tag on a new item and know that it will sell. Case in point, the wheel kit introduced for the Apple Mac Pro and priced at an eye-watering $699 in the U.S., more than many wheels for cars cost.

It is no secret that Apple likes to sell things at exorbitant prices. We’ll leave it up to you to decide if it’s worth paying, for example, $999 for a stand for its Pro Display XDR but charging $699 for a set of computer wheels does seem a little excessive to us.

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The wheels are made from stainless steel and rubber, do look the part and undoubtedly feel much more premium than the plastic wheels you’re desk chair probably as.

If you’d rather not pay an arm and a leg for a set of computer wheels, Apple is selling a set of four stainless steel feet for the Mac Pro. They cheap only according to Apple’s standards carrying a price tag of $299. Interestingly, the Mac Pro comes standard with four feet already installed so the only people who’ll be buying the feet separately are those who splashed out $400 to have the wheels bundled together with the computer itself but have decided the feet better suit their needs.