In my experience, potheads are very fond of two things: showing off their love of weed and sharing. Thanks to the Colorado Disability Funding Committee they can do both safely while they drive!

The committee was set up by the Colorado legislature to help Coloradans with disabilities and occasionally auctions off license plates to that end. This time, to celebrate Colorado’s early legalization of marijuana, they’re auctioning off weed-themed license plates as part of their 4/20 auction that was first noticed by Jalopnik.

The auction, which started on April 1 at 4:20 PM and ends on (you guessed it) April 20 at 4:20 PM, features 14 plates with words like “BONG,” “GANJA,” “HERB,” “ISIT420,” and “TEGRIDY” (which was a reference I had to look up that comes from a weed-themed episode of South Park).

Also Read: “New York” New York License Plate Is Selling It For $20 Million

The bidding is going pretty well, too. At time of writing, “ISIT420” has the highest bid of $6,510. Coming in second is “TEGRIDY,” whose high bid is currently $3,160. There are several others in the $2,000 range, while “HERB” seems like it’s underperforming. Its current bid of $840 puts it ahead of just “HONEY,” whose high bid is currently $720 making it the cheapest plate in the auction.

Buyers will have to pay any registration fees, taxes, and vanity plate costs, but you can at least be sure you’re getting the plate and that the money you spend on it is going to a good cause.

The CDFC is eager to remind potential buyers that although weed-themed license plates are a fun combo, marijuana and driving aren’t. Don’t drive high, friends.

If you feel that six grand is a bit much to spend on a license plate, rest assured that you could spend considerably more in New York. Mind you that plate does also come with a Volvo to sweeten the pot.