Singer has carved out its own neat little niche in the world of restored Porsches. Its cars are both an homage and an advancement on the original at the same time. Now, they’re getting a nod of approval from the brand whose cars they are using for their creations as Porsche itself will provide engines for future Singer projects.

Of course, every Singer features an engine built by Porsche. What’s new is that future Singer vehicles will have engines built by Porsche to Singer specification instead of the latter turning to outsiders for help as it did in the past. That’s a big deal and speaks to the level of work that Singer does which, obviously, is recognized by Porsche.

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Porsche provides lots of engines to lots of third parties each year but Singer is different. They’re not a motorsports team or a private team with some performance goal. They rebuild and resell products that were originally all-Porsche.

According to a report from Top Gear, Singer clarified that these engines won’t just be off-the-shelf units either. “The characteristics of the engines – very much at the core of every Singer car – will continue to be defined by Singer’s specification,” a statement from Singer reads.

Porsche confirmed their role as well saying that “the new collaboration focuses exclusively on the assembly of remanufactured engines”. The engines will be built south of Los Angeles, California, at the Porsche Motorsport North America (PMNA) headquarters. That’s convenient for Singer since they’re a California-based company.

One caveat is that the Singer DLS, or Dynamics and Lightweight Study, is separate from this agreement. It will continue to be a testbed for air-cooled engine modification and its engine will still be a product of Williams Advanced Engineering in the U.K.