We’ve seen some crappy paintjobs in out time, but it looks like we’re about to see a whole lot more because BMW is teaming up with BASF to make sustainable paints from sewage.
Yeah, sewage. The stuff we flush down our drains that includes dirty water leftover from cleaning up last night’s dinner, and last night’s dinner itself, depending on how speedy your digestive system is. We’re talking of course, about poop.
If you think you’ve read this news before, it’s true, you’ve caught us with our pants down. I hadn’t realized my colleague Seb had already covered it back in May, and for a moment I thought about crapping, er scrapping this new story, but then it would a shame to flush all that work down the toilet. I mean, BMW is painting cars with poop, and I’m not sure we made enough of a stink about that shocking fact in our original rush to squeeze out the story. Who knows, maybe Seb was looking at his phone at the time.
Related: ABB Shows Off Paintbot That’s So Precise it Can Paint An Art Car In 30 Minutes

BMW denied rumors that Almandine Brown, seen here on this previous generation 7-Series, would now be the only color available
Anyway, in case you missed the original post and want a serious take minus the dumb jokes, the deal is that BMW and BASF are working on replacing petroleum-based components in the painting process with raw materials from organic waste that includes bio-waste, which is waste from sewage treatment plants.
They claim that in addition to reducing the column of fossil resources required in materials, the new system will also cut emissions normally released in the production and transport of crude oil. The new corrosion protection and paint process lowers CO2 emissions by 40 percent and will be employed at BMW’s plants in Leipzig, Germany, and Rosslyn in South Africa.
“By reducing our use of fossil raw materials, we can conserve natural resources and lower CO2 emissions at the same time,” said Joachim Post, BMW’s head of purchasing and supplier network. Post neglected, of course, to acknowledge the emissions that are vented to the atmosphere of bathrooms all over Germany and South Africa further down the supply chain. As far as BMW’s emissions are concerned, it’s less a case of well-to-wheel, than meal-to-wheel.