Over the last several years, the top speeds of vehicles have risen to wild heights, leading to calls that Germany’s unlimited Autobahns should be given formal speed limits. The country’s transport minister, Volker Wissing, has now tempered any suggestion that a limit might be introduced soon.
“The pace is the personal responsibility of the citizens, as long as others are not endangered. The state should hold back here,” Wissing told German media. “The high energy prices are already causing many people to drive more slowly. And with e-cars, people won’t drive as fast because they want to save their batteries.”
Wissing is part of a coalition government that was elected in October 2021. One of the parties in the coalition was pro speed limit, raising questions about whether that would become a policy priority. Reports emerged at the time, suggesting that public support for speed limits was at an all-time high, with even then-Formula 1 driver Sebastian Vettel speaking in favor of a limit.
Read: Autobahn Speed Limit Talks Reignited Following German Elections

With high energy prices caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the speed limit question was once again rekindled more recently. Wissing, though, dispelled those rumors and even spoke of expanding highways to help minimize congestion, despite objection from others in the government.
“In Germany, not only the number of cars, but also freight traffic has risen constantly over the years,” said Wissing. “However, this has not been followed up either by rail or by road.”
Growing the highway network is counter to the environmental goals of the nation’s other parties, leading to friction in the government. Wissing, though, points to EVs and to the growing fleet of vehicles.
“In 2023 there will be another 50 million tons more [good to haul].” he said. “Even if not everyone likes it: There will be more traffic on German roads, and we have to deal with it. Otherwise, the economy will soon come to a standstill, and we will lose jobs.”