Despite our deep love for automobiles they do at times let us down hard. Perhaps nothing is more of a letdown than one that ends up being a hole in your driveway that you put money into. With that in mind, we’re wondering what one car in your life has been the most money hungry of the bunch.
There seem to be two mainstream ways for a car to be ‘money hungry’ so to speak. First and foremost, the ones that somehow end up being in the shop more than they’re in the driveway. Brands like Alfa Romeo, Fiat, and Volkswagen all have, in the past, had just such a reputation.
Last year, Consumer Reports said that Mercedes, Jeep, GMC, Chevrolet, and Tesla all performed poorly too. That seems to indicate that reliability isn’t constrained to any one particular segment or country of origin.
Read: Porsche Shamed As Least Reliable Brand, Worse Even Than Jaguar, Land Rover And Alfa Romeo

At the same time, the most money-hungry car you’ve ever owned might come down to a vehicle that didn’t really need a lot of regular work but was expensive on the occasions when it did go to the shop. I know exactly what that’s like as my Ford Flex Limited is, for the most part, largely reliable.
The one time it really let me down was about this time last year when it ended up needing a water pump, a turbocharger, a new timing kit, and some suspension parts all on the same trip to the shop. I can honestly say that in all my years of owning old Porsches, BMWs, and MINIs I’ve never spent on them what I did on the Flex last year.
Before selling my BMW E60 535i I could see a future where it might have cost me more though. It needed oxygen sensors, which require the subframe to come out, and probably turbos too. I get the feeling that our top answers are going to be related to similarly complicated vehicles. What’s the most money-hungry car you’ve ever owned? Let us know down below!
And be sure to use the thumbs-up and thumbs-down features in the comment section below. That way, we’ll have an accurate score if we choose to do a follow-up on your responses.