The Ford marketing team will be pretty happy this week, as a viral TikTok video is doing their job for them. While the details of the clip are unclear, what is sure it that a Ford F-250 wins a fight against an unladen semi.
The TikTok video in question, posted by raulcerventesce88, is only 18 seconds long, meaning that there is little to no context, and no description is offered. However, what we can see is a semi, identified by Tire Meets Road as a Freightliner Cascadia, driving into a red Ford F-250.
Fortunately for everyone involved, the collision is a relatively low speed one, because the two vehicles are in a truck yard, not on a road.
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Following the initial hit, the semi pushes the pickup out of the way slightly and, with its wheels turned hard to the left, starts driving away from it. The Ford, which looks to be deliberately blocking the Freightliner, continues to get into its way.
They drive forward, still glued together, and the semi cranks the wheels to the right, into the pickup. Rather surprisingly, the Freightliner just hops fecklessly, as the smaller Ford keeps the pair pointed straight.
The semi eventually makes some rightward progress, but not before it’s too close to some other parked semis to go any further. At this point, the driver of the semi hops out of the cab, and is followed by a passenger.
The only solid hint as to what’s going on here is the name on the side of the semi, “The Transportation Solution Inc.” The owner of the truck yard connected with the company told TMR that the incident did not happen there, though.
Some have posited that the driver of the Ford F-250 might be trying to stop the semi from being stolen, but we cannot confirm that. One thing is for sure; the Ford does shockingly well in its fight against the semi, which will no doubt please fans of the brand.
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