An intriguing survey conducted by Axios has revealed that Tesla’s reputation has taken a beating over the past year while some other car manufacturers have seen their reputations improve.
The Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings is designed to gauge the reputation of the most visible brands in the U.S. The survey analyzed some 16,310 Americans between March 13-28 and are initially asked which two companies stand out with the best reputation and which two have the worst reputation. A list of 100 companies is then compiled and rated on nine factors, including character, trajectory, trust, culture, ethics, citizenship, vision, growth, and production & services.
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Last year, Tesla was rated as having the 12th best reputation of any company in the United States but this year, it has slipped all the way to 62nd with a score of 74.3 out of a possible 100. This positions it in the ‘Good’ category but is well below ‘Excellent’ rated companies, including Patagonia which topped out the list with a score of 83.5.

The car manufacturer with the best reputation was determined to be Toyota with a score of 81, positioning it in 6th, equal with Samsung. The next best-rated carmaker was Honda sitting in 13th position with a score of 79.8, placing it just above Subaru in 16th with a score of 79.4. Other car manufacturers included in the list was BMW in 24th, Ford in 32nd (a 9-place improvement from last year), General Motors in 34th (up 18 places from 2022), VW in 56th, and Chrysler in 67th.
A closer look at the score given to Tesla shows that it slots into the ‘Excellent’ category for trajectory, vision, and growth. However, hurting its score is citizenship with a score of just 68.1, trust of 69.1, and character of 69.3. It was also viewed poorly in the culture and ethics criteria of the survey.