The Los Angeles Police Department is responding to a wave of catalytic converter thefts with a new device it says will help track stolen parts. The aptly named Insta Etch is a device that allows authorities to paint a VIN number onto a metal object.

While it doesn’t actually prevent a catalytic converter from being stolen, it does use high-temperature spray paint to engrave a series of numbers onto one, according to the LAPD. That number can later be used to identify the rightful owner of the part, if it is recovered after being stolen.

The Insta Etch cost the LAPD around $8,000, and was purchased with grant funds, reports Although owners and police can engrave identification numbers onto their catalytic converters by hand, this machine can do it faster, is handheld, and Bluetooth connected.

Read: 153,000 Catalytic Converters Stolen In 2022: These Are The Most Targeted Vehicles In The US

 LAPD Debuts A New Device To Deter Catalytic Converter Thefts

To actually deter the theft of a catalytic converter, the LAPD has also shown a placard template that reads “Marked by LAPD.” A bit like a home alarm sign on the front lawn, this is intended to discourage thieves.

“We use this LAPD placard template with the high temperature paint and we apply, not only the VIN etch, but we apply this LAPD warning, if you will, to potential thieves who get underneath these cars looking to steal the catalytic converters,” said LAPD Capt. Gary Walters.

Vehicle owners will be able to take their vehicles to VIN etching events to have their catalytic converters marked. The service is free, and owners can also book an appointment in advance by calling (323) 561-3259. The purchase of the Insta Etch follows a stark rise in thefts in Los Angeles.

In the first five weeks of 2023 alone, catalytic converter thefts were up by 406 instances, as compared to the same period in 2022, reports the LA Times. The emissions devices are filled with rare metals that can be resold for a high price.