They say you can’t buy crap for £100 ($125 USD at current exchange rates), but you may soon be able to buy a whole lot of it for that much, thanks to NCM Auctions, which is handling the sale of equipment (including a septic tank) from the Aston Martin F1 Team’s old headquarters.
The team is moving to a brand-new headquarters, and is, therefore, having a moving sale. In all, the team is auctioning off 238 lots and, I’ll be honest, a lot of it is boring industrial stuff, like air conditioners, meeting tables, filtration systems, a crescent staircase, and, of course, the septic tank. But there’s a lot of really cool stuff, too!
There are a few categories of interesting items, the first being standard memorabilia. This includes parking signs and photos of racecars and drivers that were presumably mounted on the building’s walls.
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There’s also some memorabilia that’s cooler, but much more inconvenient. Items in this category include the team’s bespoke trophy cabinet, its marble reception desk, its entrance sign, and more. While all of these lots are really cool, they will likely be a bigger investment, and may be harder to incorporate into your home office.
The third category is items that aren’t, strictly speaking, memorabilia, but would be cool to have in your home. These include a range of mobile tool boxes, a coffee machine, and even some picnic tables. These lots could be useful to have, and would be great conversation starters.
Beyond all the neat stuff, the auction is also a fascinating view into the realities of working at a Formula One team’s headquarters. We’re so used to seeing the sport through the lens of the glitz and glamour of a Grand Prix, that it’s interesting to see the day-to-day reality of the Aston Martin F1 team through the lens of its bike shed.
The starting prices for these items range £10 ($12.52 USD) for a storage cabinet to £500 ($626 USD) for the office’s front staircase with bespoke railing. Naturally, this being an auction, prices are likely to rise, so be forewarned. Thesale is set to run from June 2 until June 8.