The world is full of idiot drivers and we all know how hard it is not to let them wind you up with their stupid antics. But this video is a reminder that it’s always better to cool down and drive away from a road rage situation because otherwise, you’re the one who might be looking like an idiot and left with a big repair bill to chew on.
It starts with a V8-powered Chevrolet SS and the same brand’s Silverado truck driving down a Texas freeway at night, the smartphone footage opening with the SS cutting across two lanes to aggressively block the truck’s path and we can guess that the beef has been going on for a little while before the camera even starts rolling.
The Silverado then moves into the middle lane in an attempt to pass the sedan, but the SS’s driver guns his motor too and blocks the maneuver before pulling again in front of the truck. But the SS is quite far ahead at this point and it looks for a moment as if the dumb driving is done with for the day.
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Wrong. The Silverado then moves into the left lane to pass the now go-slow trolling SS, but the sedan again blocks its path by also moving into the left lane. At this point Silverado guy snaps, snaps this throttle wide open, and makes another attempt to pass, but as he swings right to go around, the truck lurches into oversteer causing it to T-bone the SS on the passenger door.
The Silverado spins one way, and then the other after connecting with the sedan, before clipping the central divider like a pro-drifter, sending sparks flying and eventually coming to a stop against the barrier. And after performing a full 360-degree spin the wounded SS hobbles to the barrier at the other side of the road. It’s not clear how badly damaged each vehicle was in this road rage showdown, but they both got exactly what they deserved.